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Pain is Pleasure but never a Leisure
I am back. I am so sorry I have been caught up in many things over this pass few days and I can proudly say Life never is a bed of roses. I have been fighting this feeling of being strong in times of sadness but I am just glad I have over come it. Thank you to Sanaz, Anusha,Deva and Daniel for really being there in times of sadness. Secondly, I am just happy upon thinking of it. I just got recruited in a dance group under an artist * shall remain a secret*. I mean opportunities comes knocking but it is up to us to take it or leave it. I have decided to take it but I really didn't know about this but after my annai told me I was like excited.I know I have college life and college life to juggle but I know I can handle this as well. No harm in giving a shot. I know I can push myself to the limit if I have my body and heart set on something.A little tiny baby steps will take us a long way. I guess this may open up more surprises in the future. I am super duper happy. I would like to thank my annai again for approaching me. =)
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