Hate this Friday

I hate this Friday.. today I had this irrating friday. I always been patient with so call friend cum colleague for a a long time for all her stupid work.. and today when I realise that she has done it the stupidest thing to my AUDIT WORK. I fumed big time but still I didnt consult her, I was complaining to my friend that lady heard it and she started to defend herself and say that I have to watch what I say !!!
My blood rosed up to my head and told my manager that am tendering my resignation on Monday.. Surprisingly... She cooled me down and I took time off and left office.. On the way I called Amar and told him everything so loudly that everyone looked at me in the train. Amar... cooled me down. I finally met Saras in City Hall.. Again.. I repeated the whole story her..
From there we headed back Marina Barage which I always wanted to see... In the windy brezzed place... we talked out lots of things. Finally when we heading home, Saras met with a family crisis which made her so angry... All us has something to be angry about?? Its not only me...
Whats the point of being loving, I was told that I should always think before I talk.. but nobody thinks abt me.. ???? Why am I always be treated as rubbish by everyone?? Why must I be the one who is always at the losing end???
I decided to shut up and not going to interfere in anybody's life anymore. Enough!!!! ... I had Enough!!!!
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